Quantify, track, and manage your decisions


Rizn allows you to outline questions, define potential outcomes and collect evidence that would affect your decision. Rizn enables you to provide descriptions how each evidence affects various decisions. Under the hood rizn uses mathematics to turn those relations into quantifiable implications which allows us to let you know how likley your decision is to be true.

Increase Precision

Quantify the strength of your arguments to see the likelihood of your decision to be the right one.

Simplify Management

Keep track of your arguments to know how you or your clients make decisions.

Diversify Sources

Integrate your knowledge with Big-Data, ML, and AI with our APIs to have a complete picture.

Reduce Risk

Be aware of the probabilities of each alternative in your decision set in real time.

Join our Beta

We are currently piloting our software with our first customers. If you would like to take a look at the software and pilot it, contact us and we would be happy to have a chat.

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here to help making important decisions

Features that makes making decisions easy

Making good decisions requires that we iteratively analyze complex information which is often inconsistent, contradictory or at least of varying credibility. Great decision making depends on efficiency in the way we manage large volumes of information from a multitude of sources and being able to correctly distill insights while not yielding to cognitive biases. Mental models alone have been shown to be insufficient, complex decisions require tools that can help alleviate such biases and aid in reduction of complexity, integration of insights and management of conflicting information.


See your decision alterenative probabilities

Decision Dashboard

With Rizn, you can track the probabilities of your decisions in real time. Our dashboard, lists all the running questions you have and their alternative probabilities.


Easily track consideration and evidence

Knowledge management

Keep a list of all your considerations and see how each one affects the alternatives in your question.


Manage reasoning heuristics

Track evidence effects

If facts on the ground change, so should the probabilities of your decision alternatives. Reflect changes in evidence on the question alternative set to keep track of probabulities in real time.

A team dedicated to making your decisions less risky

Why Rizn is the right choice for deicion makers.

Over the past few decades, companies have gotten great at generating insights from computational technics like Big-Data, Machine Learning, AI, and business analytics to name a few. Getting better at computational methods such as these allowed decision-makers to be more data-driven in their decisions and reduce a great deal of risk while increasing efficiency by systematizing decision workflows.

But companies are not interested in data for the sake of data itself, companies care about solving business problems they experience or their clients undergo. Nor do they only use data to make decisions. In fact, about 80% of business decisions rely on subject matter expertise. Making a sound decision for business problems requires a high degree of expertise in the field itself, knowledge of fields that may affect the decisions, and the ability to synthesize opinions about how one is affected by the other. Such opinions are often too situational to be captured by a pattern that data can isolate. Nonetheless, about 80% of considerations in business decisions come from subjective knowledge. Extracting meaning from opinions and knowledge is not a trivial matter, they are often the result of stochastic environments, unique, and subjective, which makes them default to measure and make decisions with.

That is exactly what the Rizn app is designed to solve, help decision-makers quantify the likelihood of decisions that use subjective opinions as considerations.

We are currently piloting the application with a number of companies and management consulting firms. If you would like to pilot with us, send us a message and we will be happy to have a chat.

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